4 Life Changing Ways to Quit Smoking. Find The Best Ones For You.
As anyone who has quit smoking can tell you, there is no one single way to do it that guarantees success, but there are many options you can try.
This article goes over some of the most popular methods, and also includes some important insights from some RELX Super Fans who managed to kick the habit for good.
Remember that no matter which one you choose, you’ll need a lot of conviction and willpower. Still, you’ve almost taken the first step, which is to make the decision to stop.
Stay away from smoking opportunities
If you’re away from smoking areas, you won’t be as tempted to light up.
It can be hard to resist the urge to have a cigarette when you’re with people who smoke, especially when you’re actually in a smoking area with them. Giving in and having “just one” is a slippery slope, because chances are you’ll end up smoking another, and then another.
That’s why staying away from that situation entirely makes it much easier for you to quit. It can help if you explain to your friends what you’re trying to do; chances are, they’ll be supportive and will even help and encourage you.
As Ruru (29, Implementation Team Leader) said, “I started by telling my friends, family, and other people that I am close with that I’m trying to quit smoking; they provided the encouragement, advice, and support I needed.”
That doesn’t mean, of course, that you won’t feel the urge to smoke. But it gets better with time, especially after you’ve been resisting it for a while. Just don’t give in, and remind yourself of why you wanted to quit in the first place.
Combine positive reinforcement and distraction
Music is a good positive reinforcement and distraction.
It can be a little tough when you feel the urge to have a cigarette, so finding a suitable distraction to occupy your thoughts can be a good idea. This can take many forms, so you will have to experiment to find the one that works best for you.
Music is an option that works for a lot of people. Listening to your favorite songs can go a long way in helping you shift your mind to something else. In fact, you could even make a Quitting Playlist, and fill it with the tunes that remind you of strength, fortitude, or willpower.
Sometimes, distraction is best used after facing your urge head-on. Two ways that worked for JM (32, chef and entrepreneur) are setting a date for finally quitting, and adding a reminder (like “I already quit smoking!”) in his calendar and phone. That way, he was able to use positive reinforcement to follow through on his decision.
Take up a sport
Sports can do a lot for your health and for quitting smoking.
Trying a new sport or restarting one you did before can be very helpful when you’re trying to quit smoking. Exercise releases endorphins that improve your mood, which in turn can strengthen your willpower.
The time you’ll spend exercising is also time that you probably won’t be thinking about having a cigarette, and the chances are very high that smoking is the last thing you’ll want to do when you’re gasping after biking, doing weights, or playing some ball.
Sports can also help you get healthier, which will be additional encouragement for you quit smoking for good. Plus, your stamina will improve without the cigarettes, and your performance won’t be far behind.
If you get into a sport, remember that it can take a while for you to get good at it. Just focus on having fun and enjoying the game, and that will help you stay away from cigarettes.
Find an alternative
If you can’t quit cold turkey, finding an alternative might be the right move.
Quitting cold turkey has worked for many people, and it might be the right solution for you. But if you think that it might not be right for you (especially if you tried it before and failed), you can consider an alternative to cigarettes.
Nicotine gum and patches can soothe your craving, but you should speak to your doctor about them before buying. You can get them at the drugstore, although you may have to visit a larger and better-stocked chain.
You can also consider switching to vape, which can be a suitable replacement for smoking without the burned smell, ash, or butts. If you choose this, make sure you go with a trusted brand that offers quality products, like any of the RELX Infinity and Essential lines.
This worked for Mann (33, pilot), who did a “1 week, no smoke” challenge after receiving a RELX vape and pods last year. He said that he loved the flavors of the pods, which also gave such satisfactory nicotine replacement that he wasn’t craving for actual cigarettes after just a few days.
Such models are engineered to be easy for even a new vape-switcher to use, and will last a long time when used properly. Choosing one of these means you’ll end up with a Super Smooth experience that you can count on.
No matter which ways to quit smoking you choose, you’re making a good decision. Congratulations and we know that you have the strength to see it through!